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Religious Theme 1.


: a Spiritual Figure as a Saviour

Butterfly - Various Artists (Goblin Soundtrack 2)
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In the drama ‘Goblin,’ Dokkaebi, a spiritual figure in Korean folk religion is described as a saviour.

What is Dokkaebi?

“beloved symbolic icon of Korean culture” (Back, 2014)


Dokkaebi is a popular character from Korean legend. It should be helpful to consider them as a Korean goblin. To be more specific, Wikipedia defines Dokkaebi as “legendary creatures from Korean mythology and folklore.” Also, Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Beliefs (2014) explains Dokkaebi as “a spirit possessing extraordinary powers and skills, using them to enchant, tease, taunt, and sometimes offer help to humans.”

Dokkaebi is referred to as a ‘spirit,’ but it is quite different from a ghost which means a dead person. According to Kim (as cited in Kim, Chung and Seo, 2018), Dokkaebi are “a shamanistic creature,” which transforms themselves into dokkaebi-shape with will-o’ the-wisp - an unidentified fire - from the various old objects related to humans’ daily lives such as brooms, wooden pokers, winnow baskets, or straw shoes at night. About their incredible powers and appearances, the Encyclopedia describes as following:

Dokkaebi has supernatural powers, capable of immense endeavors like filling a pond overnight to create land, offering a feast of all kind of delicacies from the land and sea, bringing good harvest, big catch or great fortunes to humans. The appearance of dokkaebi is rendered in a variety of ways, the most common being the roof tiles with dokkaebi patterns, their features including horns, bulging eyes, a big mouth, long, sharp teeth, a hairy body and long claws. Their appearance might vary by different time periods, but throughout history dokkaebi have always been viewed with fear and awe, as defenders against evil spirits, possessing versatile supernatural powers, and at the same time imperfect and contradictory.


(Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Beliefs: Encyclopedia of Korean Folklore and Traditional Culture Vol. II, 2014)

Korean people have considered dokkaebi as both a familiar creature and redoubtable existence for the long history. That is because it is believed that they will be rewarded like in the form of treasure if they treat dokkaebi nicely. Therefore, “rituals are held to bring out the best of these spirits so that they will use their powers in a manner that benefits humans” (Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Beliefs, 2014). In other words, Dokkaebi is recognized as a fearful being, but at the same time not always harmful to humans (Kim, Chung and Seo, 2018). Here is another interesting description of Korean goblin in the Encyclopedia.

Dokkaebi, a familiar presence to Korean

Dokkaebi usually makes its appearance in dark, humid, eerie corners, mostly at nightmare but also during the day when the weather is foggy with rains. These spirits enjoy playing tricks on people, daring men to wrestle all night long or appearing as a beautiful woman to seduce them. They like to sing and dance and also chase after women. Foolishness is also a trait that dokkaebi possess, as shown in the tale of one who borrows money from a human and repeatedly pays him back.


(Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Beliefs: Encyclopedia of Korean Folklore and Traditional Culture Vol. II, 2014)

The Goblin Described as a Christian Savior?

Kim Shin, the goblin and main character in the drama ‘Goblin: The Lonely and Great God’ is a figure in the humanlike appearance but follows characteristics of traditional dokkaebi. In the drama, Kim Shin enjoys eating meat as told in the folktale and sometimes behaves immaturely. He also has a lot of unusual abilities such as changing the weather, using telekinesis, teleporting through space, stopping the time, et cetera. Among these features, some are reasonably interpreted as the savior in the Christian view.

goblin steak.jpg

1. Special Force

Kim Shin has several divine powers which are strong enough to be deserved as a god and uses them for helping and punishing human. In episode 1, he sees the future of an unusual boy who was cruelly treated by his stepfather and helps him to lead his life toward the right direction.

 “If you run away from home now, you’ll be even more miserable. You’ll never see your mom again.”


– Kim Shin, Episode 1

Kim Shin sometimes grants human’s dearest wish. He saves the life of the pregnant woman who was bleeding by a car accident and whose baby turns out to be Ji Eun-Tak, his human bride of fate.

 “At a moment of life and death, make a wish with a powerful desire. A soft-hearted Creator might grant you that wish”

- Samshin (Korean goddess of Birth and Fate), Ep1


“It’s my principle not to meddle with the life and death of mortals. You’re not asking for your own life. You’re very fortunate to come across a soft-hearted deity. I just don’t feel like watching anyone die tonight.”

– Kim Shin, Ep1

Not only giving a helping hand with his power, but Kim Shin also punishes sailors who bully the grandson of his faithful servant by making rough waves and sinking the boat. At this moment, he is the frightful god to sailors who were pushing around the weak, but he is literally the savior to the boy.


 “Do you know what happens to humans who are worse than brutes?

  They face judgment by an infuriated divinity.”


– Kim Shin, Episode 1

2. Sacrifice and Revival

You might remember the oracle mentioned in the plot section (Guidebook for the journey).

“When a powerful desire indwells in things touched by mortal souls, they become goblins. A blade smeared with blood from countless battles was enchanted with a powerful desire bedewed with its master’s blood. Only the bride of the goblin will be able to draw the blade. Once drawn, everything will turn to ashes, and peace will be granted.”

Following is the next part after the oracle, which describes the goblin; “Some malicious oracle it was. When goblins are brought back, they come to this world and can be found everywhere, but nowhere. Also, here is the monologue narration that is frequently used by Kim Shin throughout the series as the portrayal of himself; He is water, fire, and wind, and also light and dark. And at one time, he was human. These lines remind the passages from the Bible, “the primary written data for Christianity” (Badaracco, 2005)

Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them? Declares the Lord.

Do not I fill heaven and earth? Declares the Lord.

(Jeremiah 23:24 NIV)


In speaking of the angels he says,

“He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire.

(Hebrews 1:7 NIV)


Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross

(Philippians 2:7-8 NIV)

In Episode 13, Kim Shin pulls out the sword at the hands of Eun-Tak to protect all other remaining characters from the threat of the evil soul and return to the ashes. This sacrificial death is one of the Christianity themes. Additionally, as you already know, Kim Shin was a great general of Goryeo era around a thousand years ago, but he is reborn to dokkaebi by the supreme god after the death as a human by his human king. It is not the only time of revival. He resurrects as dokkaebi after wandering around the desert, the middle between this world and the world of the dead. At this point, it is safe to recall the concept of the resurrection of Jesus.

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 

(1 Corinthians 15:3-4 NIV)

Here is the more detailed description in Communio et Progressio (as cited in Badaracco, 2005),


When by His death and resurrection, Christ the Incarnate Son, the Word and Image of the invisible God, set the human race free. He shared with everyone the truth and the life of God (…) As the only mediator between the Father and mankind, He made peace between God and man and laid the foundations of unity among men themselves (…)

(…) Christ gave us the most perfect and most intimate form of communion between God and man possible in this life, and, out of this, the deepest possible unity between men. (CP, par. 10-11)



Besides, as a kind of fun fact, his name, Shin(faith) is the same sound as the Chinese letter (deity).

3. The Implication of Church

It is worth paying attention to how Kim Shin states a Catholic Church in the drama. In episode 1, while Ji Eun-Tak is during the church service, an idea comes to her mind, and she tests if lighting and blowing a candle is the way to bring him up to where she is. Around the corner, Kim Shin appears, and she exclaims that she has figured out how she called him. (Episode 1) And then Shin answers, “Okay, but did you really have to call me here?”, looking back at the statue of the Virgin Mary behind him. Also, notice what Kim Shin said afterward when Eun-Tak asks why he walks away.

Eun-Tak: Why aren’t you using your flame to disappear?

Shin: I can’t do it here. You can consider it a demilitarized zone.

He mentioned a demilitarized zone for the church where he is not able to use his special force. It implied that the god of Protestantism or Catholicism is recognized as the Almighty to him. Here are another lines of Kim Shin’s note that he mentions the almighty. This document is written after he was changed to the goblin from the human and moved to Quebec. (Episode 5)


 “The war does not stop even on this foreign land. Swords and arrows allow them to steal land and food, as well as lives. The Almighty here and in Goryeo are all the same. The grandson of the little child I left Goryeo with, and his grandson’s grandson, and his grandson were all buried. On a chair in the corner of a small room, I spend days and nights. My will isn’t about my last words before death. Dear Deity, my will is a request for you to give me death. I considered this life as an award at times, but in the end, it’s a punishment. I have never forgotten anyone’s passing. That’s why I long to end this life. However, the Almighty turns deaf to my cries.


– Kim Shin’s note.

Furthermore, after the Grim Reaper (Wang Yeo) says to Kim Shin, “Humans see him all the time, but we don’t get to see him. Not even once,” the crosses of churches are caught on the screen in close-up. (Episode 5)

©2018 by Songkang Jeong / RELG 2812 Religion and Pop Culture / Fall 2018 MUN

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